Agency partnership

Deploy AI for your customers in seconds

Generate new revenue by deploying AI that makes your customers' websites smarter and more engaging.

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Generate recurring revenue and develop deeper customer relationships


Improve customer websites with little effort

This is a great opportunity to help your customers by deploying AI in an integrated way. You will own the relationship and the revenue.


Add recurring revenue, month after month

Our partner program is designed to help your agency generate recurring revenue. By integrating Twise as a service, you can resell it to multiple clients with an added margin, creating a steady income stream and a profitable business model. As your clients experience the benefits of AI integration, your agency will continue to grow its revenue and impact.


Key role of the agency

As a partner, your agency handles the content strategy, asset preparation, and design management, ensuring each AI integration is high-quality and customised. This involvement allows you to maintain a healthy margin on top of the technology cost from Twise.


Multi-customer management

A single account can serve multiple clients, offering cost-efficiency and convenience. Pay once and deploy the AI solution to numerous customers, allowing your agency to quickly scale AI deployments without significant additional costs.


Strengthening agency-client relationships

Unlike third-party chatbot solutions, Twise enables you to deploy and manage the AI for your clients, creating an additional revenue stream and strengthening the role as a trusted partner.

What is included?

The agency plan is $399 per month. That gives you enough credits to serve multiple customers.


Dedicated support & help with custom development


White-label solution


28,000 messages credits per month


Up to 4,000 conversations


40,000 unique visitors in total


Add more as needed

Become a partner

Reach out via email or book a call

To apply to join as a partner please reach out to us via or schedule a call with us using this link.

We are taking on two new partners per month and are currently focused on agencies based in the UK, US and Scandinavia.


See what our customers have to say!

"Thanks to, we transformed our idea into a product in just three months, launching IDA, our new AI digital employee. Twise’s AI tools seamlessly solved our challenges and enhanced our customer engagement effortlessly."

Kent Jensen
Marketing Director

"The need for answering questions via email or chat was reduced by 90% when we implemented Twise"

Histeven Peruggi
House Operations Manager
Norrsken House Barcelona

“Twise stands out with its intuitive interface that allows anyone in an organization to easily set up and customize a next-gen AI chatbot.”

Paula Carro Barba
Creative & Content
Oniric Agency

"Before Twise customers sometimes had to wait several days to get an answer. Twise has reduced that to seconds"

Anders Forslund

"1st of all, I love how personal it is right and like I, I guided it to be like grandfatherly and sage-like, and the voice helps, obviously"

Dave Weinberg
Gently Ventures